Scanning the various ballot measures listed by CNN, it turns out that Arkansas has a ballot initiative to prevent adoptions or fostering by unmarried couples - straight or gay. Glad to know they consider me an evil sinner too!
I’m always puzzled when people bring up choice when it comes to equal rights for homosexuals. It’s not at all clear that homosexuality is a choice. But assume for a minute it is 100% choice, completely. So what? We don’t get to discriminate
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A nice "doctored" video about civil rights. California is facing a ballot question that would make gay marriage illegal, Question 8. The Yes on 8 people put out a video w/ people talking about what's wrong w/ gay marriage, yadda yadda. And then someone took that video and replaced every mention of "same-sex" with "interracial," and "gay" with "
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If I'm reading this correctly, AZ peeps are voting AGAINST Prop 107, 107 would amend their constitution to ban gay marriage/unions, so they're voting FOR gay marriages/unions. This looks promising. It's 57% No, 43% Yes.